PRESS RELEASE 2024.03.12 Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development, Inc. Recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization for Second Consecutive Year

Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development, Inc. (Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Masahito Tamura) announces that it has been recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024 (Small and Medium Enterprise Category) on March 11, 2024. This marks the company's second consecutive year of certification under the program, through which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council) aim to promote health and productivity management.

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024

About the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization program

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization program recognizes companies of all sizes that practice particularly outstanding health and productivity management under initiatives aimed at regional health issues and health promotion initiatives advanced by Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council). (Excerpted from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website)

Main initiatives of Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development

(1) Health care initiatives

Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development maintains a 100% health examination rate (fiscal 2022). For employees of age 35 and older, the company also conducts health examinations that exceed statutory medical checkup requirements in number of items examined. It also offers a range of optional examinations such as gynecological examinations.
The company has also established a structure for consultation with industrial physicians to detect and prevent mental health issues at an early stage, and conducts mental health training for managers.

(2) A work environment enabling flexible work styles

Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development employs flextime and telework systems to aid balance between work and private life. The company further utilized its headquarters relocation in May 2023 as an opportunity to introduce Activity Based Working (ABW), by which it has prepared an office environment that enhances productivity by letting employees choose where to work, according to purpose.

(3) In-house events and activity groups that energize communication

Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development supports in-house club activities, including golf, fishing, and urban sports, as opportunities for connections among employees outside of work sites. The company also holds "Happy Friday" events on Friday. Drinks and snacks are available in the refreshment room to refresh employees physically and mentally while encouraging employee interactions across departmental walls.

About Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development's Sustainability Policy

Mitsubishi Corporation Urban Development has made "Achievement of Work Environments That Respect Diverse Values and Work Styles" a key item (materiality) in its Sustainability Policy. Aiming to be a company that creates unique added value and continuously contributes to the advancement of society, the company will maximally draw out the capabilities of the people who are the source of its corporate vitality and competitiveness, and will promote health and productivity management while achieving a workplace environment in which diverse human resources can play active roles.

About our Sustainability Policy