Clarifying what you want to do is vital, since there are no right answers.
General Manager of Project Management Dept. II
A great sense of accomplishment that comes from being directly linked to the company's profits.
I decided to change jobs and joined the company just before I turned 30, at a time when the company was still focused primarily on commercial property management. There weren't as many employees as there are now, and the company was transitioning to the real estate development business and trying to establish itself as a developer. After joining, I figured out how to work efficiently on my own, creating manuals and organizing finances... I could feel that the work I did each day was directly linked to the company's growth. Looking back, I think being able to gain such experience in my early thirties contributed to my career.
My current duties involve preparing the land purchased by the Project Planning Dept. Building structures, leasing, selling to investors, and working to maximize profits. My job involves everything from development to sale, and since our profits are based primarily on the profits from sales, I experience a great sense of accomplishment when a building is finally built and sold.
We cannot accomplish development work alone. It can only be done with cooperation from many parties, such as design firms and general contractors. Work that involves the support of many people, including tenants who move in and buyers, creates for me a great sense of reward.
Maintaining work-life balance allows for ultimate performance.
Work-style reforms have progressed within the company, creating an environment where everyone can unleash their potential in a way that suits them. While I expect everyone to work hard, I also want my team members to value private time with their families. Our job involves internal and external coordination to successfully complete projects. I believe that those who cannot balance personal life and work will find it challenging to multi-task projects. It is vital to consider how to maximize performance, including in private life, and to make effective use of time and tools.
The work of a developer varies by project and partner, so even if there are precedents, there are no right answers. That is why you must clarify what it is you want to do. For that reason, this work requires not only solid knowledge but also exchanging information with different people. If you have persuasive materials and can communicate your intentions, others will want to work with you. Instead of doing something because someone told you to, you must do things because you want to do them. I value this mindset as I strive to foster the new generation and contribute to company growth.